Terms & Conditions AlpenParks Carpe Solem Mariapfarr

General terms and conditions

General information

Type of establishment: apartment
Boarding: without board
Check In: from 16:00
Check Out: until 10:00 a.m.


Apartments: per night and apartment
Booking and deposit

Your booking is guaranteed and binding with the deposit.

Booking and deposit

Salzburger Sparkasse
IBAN: AT79 20404 000 4335 8605

Travel insurance

Hotelstorno Plus - Informationsblatt
  • 8 weeks to 6 weeks before arrival 40% of the total arrangement price.
  • 6 weeks to 1 week before arrival 70% of the total arrangement price.
  • 1 week before arrival 90% of the total arrangement price.
  • No show 100% of the total arrangement price.

Take out a travel cancellation insurance to cover yourself in case of illness!

Legal basis of the Austrian hotel regulations.
The place of jurisdiction is Zell am See.

The provisions of the Austrian hotel regulations apply. Read here more.

Invoice address

Carpe Solem Betriebs GmbH & Co KG
Voggenbergstrasse 2/1
5101 Bergheim

Scope of application

These terms and conditions apply to contracts for the rental of our houses for accommodation as well as all other services and deliveries provided to the guest by Hagan Lodge. Terms and conditions of the customer shall only apply if this has been expressly agreed in writing in advance.

Contractual partner

In case of doubt, the contracting party of the accommodation provider is the customer, even if he has ordered or co-ordered for other named persons. If a third party has ordered for the guest, he shall be liable together with the guest as joint and several debtors for all obligations arising from the contract.

Conclusion of contract, deposit

The accommodation contract is usually concluded by the acceptance of the guest's written or verbal order by the accommodation provider. It may be agreed that the Guest shall make a down payment. The Proprietor may also demand advance payment of the entire agreed fee. The agreed price includes the respective value added tax. If the period between the conclusion of the contract and the fulfillment of the contract exceeds 4 months and if the price generally charged by the Proprietor for such services increases, this may reasonably increase the contractually agreed price, but by no more than 5%.

Beginning and end of the accommodation

a) The Guest has the right to move into the rented premises from 3 p.m. on the agreed day.
b) The Proprietor has the right to withdraw from the contract in the event that the Guest does not appear by 6 p.m. on the agreed day of arrival, unless a later time of arrival has been agreed.
c) If the guest has paid a deposit, the room remains reserved until 12 noon of the following day at the latest.
d) If a room is used for the first time before 6 a.m., the previous night shall count as the first overnight stay.
e) The rented rooms are to be vacated by the guest by 10 a.m. on the day of departure.
f) The guest is not entitled to the provision of certain houses.
g) If the guest does not vacate the rooms in due time on the agreed departure day, the Proprietor may charge 50% of the full lodging price for this use exceeding the contract until 6:00 p.m. and 100% after 6:00 p.m. due to the delayed vacating of the rooms. However, the guest shall be entitled to prove that the accommodation provider has incurred no damage at all or significantly less damage.

Withdrawal from the accommodation contract

A cost-free withdrawal of the guest requires the written consent of the accommodation provider. If this does not take place, the agreed price from the contract is to be paid even if the guest does not make use of contractual services or a further letting is no longer possible. In the case of rooms not used by guests, the accommodation provider shall take into account the income from renting the rooms to other parties as well as the saved expenses. However, the guest shall be permitted to prove that the accommodation provider has incurred no loss at all or a significantly lower loss.

House Rules

Separate reference is made to the house rules; these are an integral part of this agreement.
Provision of substitute accommodation

a) The Proprietor may provide the Guest with adequate substitute accommodation if this is reasonable for the Guest, in particular because the deviation is minor and objectively justified.
b) An objective justification is given, for example, if the premises have become unusable, already accommodated guests extend their stay or other important operational measures necessitate this step.
c) Any additional expenses for the substitute accommodation shall be borne by the Proprietor.

Rights and duties of the guest

a) By concluding an accommodation contract, the guest acquires the right to the usual use of the rented premises, the facilities of the accommodating establishment, which are usually and without special conditions accessible to the guests for use.
b) Upon termination of the Accommodation Agreement, the agreed remuneration shall be paid. The Proprietor shall not be obliged to accept non-cash means of payment such as checks, credit cards, vouchers, etc.
c) For the damage caused by the guest the regulations of the compensation law are valid. Therefore, the Guest shall be liable for any damage and disadvantage suffered by the Proprietor or third persons due to his fault or due to the fault of his companions or other persons for whom he is responsible, even if the injured party is entitled to directly claim the Proprietor for compensation.

Rights and duties of the guest

a) By concluding an accommodation contract, the guest acquires the right to the usual use of the rented premises, the facilities of the accommodating establishment, which are usually and without special conditions accessible to the guests for use.
b) Upon termination of the Accommodation Agreement, the agreed remuneration shall be paid. The Proprietor shall not be obliged to accept non-cash means of payment such as checks, credit cards, vouchers, etc.
c) For the damage caused by the guest the regulations of the compensation law are valid. Therefore, the Guest shall be liable for any damage and disadvantage suffered by the Proprietor or third persons due to his fault or due to the fault of his companions or other persons for whom he is responsible, even if the injured party is entitled to directly claim the Proprietor for compensation.

Rights and Duties of the Proprietor

a) If the guest refuses to pay the agreed fee or is in arrears with it, the accommodation provider shall be entitled to retain the items brought in to secure its claim arising from the accommodation as well as its expenses for the guest. (§ 970 c ABGB legal right of retention).
b) The accommodation provider has the right of lien on the objects brought in by the guest to secure the agreed remuneration. (§ 1101 ABGB legal right of lien of the accommodation provider)
c) The Proprietor is obligated to provide the agreed services to an extent corresponding to the standard.
d) Special services of the Proprietor which are subject to marking out and which are not included in the accommodation fee:
§ Provision of additional beds or cribs.
§ Special services that are charged separately (e.g. breakfast service, newspapers, telephone calls, FAX and Internet services, video, etc.)
§ Electricity costs (billing is based on actual consumption)
§ local taxes


a) Tiere dürfen nur nach vorheriger Bewilligung und allenfalls gegen eine besondere Vergütung in den Beherbergungsbetrieb gebracht werden.
b) Der Gast haftet für den Schaden, den mitgebrachte Tiere anrichten, entsprechend den für den Tierhalter geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften (§ 1320 ABGB).

Verlängerung der Beherbergung

Eine Verlängerung des Aufenthaltes durch den Gast erfordert die Zustimmung des Beherbergers.

Beendigung der Beherbergung

a) Wurde der Beherbergungsvertrag auf bestimmte Zeit vereinbart, so endet er mit dem Zeitablauf. Reist der Gast vorzeitig ab, so ist der Beherberger berechtigt, das volle vereinbarte Entgelt zu verlangen.
b) durch den Tod eines Gastes endet der Vertrag mit dem Beherberger
c) wenn die Vertragserfüllung durch ein als höhere Gewalt zu wertendes Ereignis unmöglich wird, wird der Vertrag aufgelöst.
d) Der Beherberger ist berechtigt, den Beherbergungsvertrag mit sofortiger Wirkung aufzulösen, wenn der Gast
i. Von den Räumlichkeiten einen erheblich nachteiligen Gebrauch macht oder durch sein rücksichtsloses, anstößiges oder sonst grob ungehöriges Verhalten den übrigen Gästen das Zusammenwohnen verleidet oder sich gegenüber dem Beherberger und seinen Leuten oder einer im Beherbergungsbetrieb wohnenden Person einer mit Strafe bedrohten Handlung gegen das Eigentum, die Sittlichkeit oder die körperliche Sicherheit schuldig macht;
ii. Von einer ansteckenden oder die Beherbergungsdauer übersteigenden Krankheit befallen oder pflegebedürftig wird;
iii. Die ihm vorgelegte Rechnung über Aufforderung in einer zumutbaren Frist nicht bezahlt

Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand

Erfüllungsort ist der Ort, in dem der Beherbergungsbetrieb gelegen ist. Für alle Vertragspartner des Beherbergungsbetriebes und eventuell anhängige gerichtliche Streitigkeiten wird das sachlich zuständige Gericht für 1010 Wien, soweit dem keine zwingenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen entgegenstehen vereinbart. Es kommt ausschließlich österreicherisches Recht unter Ausschluss von Kollisionsnormen, die die Anwendung einer anderen Rechtsordnung vorsehen, zur Anwendung.


Sollten einzelne Bestimmungen dieser allgemeinen Bedingungen zum Abschluss von Beherbergungsverträgen unwirksam sein, so berührt das die Gültigkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen nicht. Die Berichtigung von Irrtümern sowie von Druck- und Rechenfehlern bleibt vorbehalten. Anstelle der ungültigen gilt eine hier möglichst nahe kommende Vereinbarung. Jegliche Abweichung oder Nebenfrage bedarf der Schriftform.