Mountain tour to the Taghaube in Dienten


The starting point for this hike is the Erichhütte parking lot in Dienten am Hochkönig (between Mühlbach and Dienten). At the beginning, it is about 30 minutes up a wide forest road to the Erichhütte hut. From here, follow the hiking signs towards Taghaube across wide alpine meadows. Towards the end, the hiking trail becomes steeper and steeper and it gets very rocky. There are a few footholds and a ladder to negotiate on the last section. Surefootedness and a head for heights are required here! After a good 2 hours, you have reached the Taghaube summit at 2,159m.

The way back is the same. Caution is advised here, as you walk over many scree fields and it is often very slippery.

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